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How Does Laser Cutting benefit your metal fabrication project?

laser cutting

The use of laser technology has become synonymous with precision, and for good reason. Laser cutting, for example, is accurate and versatile, able to produce nearly any shape in a variety of metals. Its range of unique attributes surpasses waterjet cutting, die cutting, and other thermal methods, proving transformative in industrial manufacturing.

How does the laser cutting work?

Laser cutting is mainly a thermal process, in which the energy from a thin, focused laser is used to cut, melt or burn material. Controlled through computer coding, the cuts are completed to design specification by directing pressure and an amplified beam of light via a nozzle.
Below we’ve explained the four most notable hallmarks of laser cutting and how it can be a benefit to your unique metal fabrication project.

Part Accuracy

Accuracy is one of the primary advantages of laser cutting.
The laser cutting process is almost entirely automated, with programming completed through the use of CNC CAD/CAM technology. This ensures the same cuts can be performed as many times as necessary, with the part matching the blueprint in every instance. And with the laser effectively melting, vaporizing or burning everything in its path, the process also creates clean edges and a smooth finish.
Laser cutting is often used in the packaging, mining, pollution control, and product filling industries in which tight tolerances and strict quality standards are of the utmost importance.

Cut Speed

Laser cutting delivers exceptional speed compared to waterjet cutters and other thermal cutting methods like plasma or flame cutting. Typical speeds for a laser cutter are up to 10 meters per minute, exponentially faster than the range of traditional technologies, which varies from .25 to 2 meters per minute. Fast cutting speeds also minimize heat diffusion into the surrounding material, greatly reducing the potential for thermal damage to other components.
Beyond its speed, laser cutting accelerates the metal fabrication process in other ways:
-Multiple parts can be programmed and cut at once.
-Hard tools aren’t needed, shortening setup time.
-Cutting heads don’t need to be exchanged.
-No additional cleanup is required, eliminating secondary operations.
-Equipment setup and repurposing is expedient, making it easy to adapt to changing project demands.

Puzzle Cutting for Locating Weldment Parts Quickly & Easily

The precision of laser cutters makes them suitable to complete puzzle cuts, a technique used to skip the need for measuring parts when aligning them for a weld. Lasers cut small notches into the sections so they interlock when set together, not unlike the pieces of a puzzle. Once set, a fabricator can tack weld the pieces into place.
Openex uses lasers to complete highly-accurate cuts on stainless steel, aluminum and mild steel. Contact us today to learn more about the our laser capabilities or to request a production quote.

About Openex

Openex is home to a full-service, one-stop-shop, contract manufacturing company producing custom large machined parts and fabrications. Our full large fabrication services including large machining, cutting, welding, rolling, punching, braking, testing, painting, and others.
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